Security Tips for online Matrimonial site:
Registration on Matrimony website is Free & quite easy in two steps with one step available with 2nd Step having Skip options. You can post your profile in one single page step. You are required to fill profile information in the Registration Form and click on the 'Create Profile' button. 2. How much time it takes to make my profile available in Search & approved by Admin ?We review all the profile which are registered at matrimonial website. It take 48 hours for us to review & approve it to go ahead further.Our objective you is to provide you best matrimony services to get you married soon 3. I have lost my Password. Can you sent it to me ?You need to go to Forgot Password Option. Type in your email address and the password will be sent to your mailbox. If while registration your Email Id is incorrect, then you need to write to Admin using Feedback form to do the needful. 4. I don't like people to see my name. What can I do ?We have not provided the option of Hiding your profile. You can mark you Last name as Confidential & You can mark your Photo as Confidential. This should be sufficient enough to protect your identity. 5. Can I change my Email Address ?Yes, but before verifying & validating the Email address, you can change your Email ID by going to Edit Profile options while once your Email Id is verified, You need to write to Admin via Feedback form justifying the reason so that Admin can change the Email Id. 6. What are the benefits of registering on this Matrimonial site ? Do I get anything FREE ?You get lots of FREE services when you register with us.
Absolutely nothing! Registration on this Matrimonials is always FREE!!! However to view the contact details & proceed for further discussion you need to upgrade your membership to Gold/Platinum membership. Gold/Platinum Membership is currently charged as Very simple. Go to our Website first page. In login area on the middle side of the page, type in your email id / Mobile and password and click on the 'Login' button. You are immediately logged into the site and taken to the Partner Search page to start with. On the right side, you will have further options. 9. How do I contact a other matrimonial member ?When you like a user's profile and want to contact them, the first step is to 'Send Interest' in them. To do that, you can either click on the 'Send interest' link in the Profile page at the top. An Interest can be sent by all members but only GOLD/Platinum members will be able to send / View a personalized message to the person they contact giving their contact details. This increases the chances of a response from the person contacted. So it is advisable to upgrade to a GOLD/Platinum Membership. 10. How & Where do I need to submit my photograph ?Yes, only profiles with a proper photograph are hosted on Matrimonial site. You need to go for "Add Photo" option which will allow you to upload photograph. All are restricted with 6 MB limit. 11. What do I do to maximize my search to find my dream match ?To find your Life Partner, below are recommendations.
Payments to GOLD/Platinum memberships can be made by Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, and most ATM cards with the Visa or MasterCard logo. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Most ATM cards with the Visa or Master card logo can also be used. Our Payment Gateway is outsourced to CCavenue Payment which is 128 Bit encryption Secured. We assured you that No fraud can happen from our site with respect to online transactions via our Payment gateway. Under any circumstance and for any reason, we do not refund of Gold/Platinum membership charges or partial membership charges. Any damage or fraud will not be our responsibility. 13. After the Successful Online transactions for Gold/Platinum membership when I will be upgraded to Gold/Platinum membership ?Within seconds, You will be instantly upgraded for Gold/Platinum Membership on india matrimony website. You need to logout & login to update your Gold/Platinum membership status 14. As the Gold /Platinum Member, Where can I view the contact details of the other members ?Once you are upgraded to Gold/Platinum member, Please logout & re-login again. You will directed to Partner search page. Search for the profile you are interested. Click on View profile. On the top of profile there is option available to view the contact details. Click on "View Contacts" at Address block or on the top corner of profile you are viewing. 15. As the Registered Member, How can I cancel my membership from website ?Yes, You can cancel your membership any time. You need to login using credentials. Then click on "View My Profile" option --> Click on "Cancle My Profile"
India is a most popular Indian matrimonial site. Register free for Indian brides and grooms. We are providing best matrimonial services to find your wedding life partner. Our services available 24/7 by Phone, E-mail, Chat and SMS. Here is given frequently asked questions and answers. if you still not found your answer please feel free to call us or mail us. |